Get a sample for functions out of IBS

Open as many tabs in your Mozilla Firefox as you like
see here a tab with a fresh opened babylon

To open, type:

This tab has opened the keyword navimain - to work on the Menu

This is the only keyword, you cannot test in keyword "test" - you have to make changes in the "real" keyword
Please be careful, if necessary, open a kwrite, copy the content into it and save it onto your desktop, so you retrieve it easy, just in case

This tab has opened the keyword wissoekn
it shows good examples of blocks using functions for text and teximage

This tab has opened the keyword test

The input-window for test in this picture is filled with the content for this page, it should be used as a testing ground.
Whenever you are preparing an entry for a keyword, do this in the keyword for test!
Thus you avoid to destroy your "old", working entries, the keyword test is only used for this purpose and can be erased without second thought. After you have achieved result in test, kopy the entry of test into the wanted keyword.
Do not meddle with entries in the "real" keywords